Sunday, November 13, 2022

Mediums & Magic Weekly report for 11/6 to 11/13 Year 2022

Good Morning and Darkest Blessings to All...

Let us begin by me saying that the above greeting and title are going to stay that way, minus the changes in dates and year. To be quite honest I am magically and mentally very tired this morning. Anything that is going to simplify and streamline my current workload is going to be a blessing. All posts on the blogs will be updated on a Sunday, of each week unless something important or major happens in between that I will feel obliged to tell everyone about. It is easier to do all of my writing on the weekdays and save it as a draft, and then post it on Sunday.

The weather has turned and it was much cooler outside yesterday, and this morning it is finally a seasonally appropriate temperature. I live in the south if anyone has not forgotten...and last week it was a ridiculous 80 degrees and the leaves were falling, it is supposed to be "Fall", and gearing down to be cold, and come a hard frost or a flake or two of snow by now, not this "Mother Nature is bipolar", nonsense. 

Now onto this past week's news. I have been a busy busy witch.  Last Monday, I posted a Youtube video for my financial business blog and found a new platform to make videos with. Adobe Express is so much better than that Animoto thing I tried. I needed to rest my fried brain cells on Tuesday so I slept that day.  On Wednesday, Thursday, and part of Friday I wrote three really long articles for a new page I found, aptly named "Medium" which is described as the "youtube for writers" as one article called it. Here is the link to my Medium profile, if anyone would like to check out my work on there. Feel free to subscribe and read at your leisure. I need 100 devoted fans and Followers to be able to monetize my content on there, so if my readers on here could click that "Follow" button on my Medium profile, that would be much appreciated, Please, and Thank You in advance. 

Friday night and Saturday, I devoted myself to the study and practice of my new path. Saturday, I could not rest until I made myself do a very large petition, it insistently crossed my mind that I needed to do it. I felt distinctly compelled to get up and go do the petition because it would not stop nagging at my exhausted brain until I did. So I was awake at predawn on Saturday, researching and writing out my ritual petition, and preparing for the ritual to be done. I wrote out two, page-length long petition papers and performed the ritual work for the following demoniacal spirits, which I will name, as public recognition for their assistance and patronage is a requirement...ESPECIALLY, if they have given you something or enacted a sign that it will soon happen. I cannot specify what those things were or what I asked for, a witch does not speak of or divulge those things, with exception of other invited and willingly participating people who were present during the ritual, otherwise, then no one else is told or shown anything that directly relates to the request or rituals. I will say that I did for a fact see and was shown signs, that what I asked for they were at least listening, and showing me that they were paying attention. 

I give public recognition and acknowledgment to the following demoniacal spirits, for your past, current, and future patronage and assistance. 

The names of GAMIGIN, MARAX,NABERIUS, BIME, FORNEUS, ASMODAI, STOLAS, PHENIX, OROBAS,AUNS, MAMMON,CLAUNECK, NITIKA, VALAC, PURSON,SEER, SEVENTH, GREMORI, MARCHOSIAS, RONOVE, HALPHAS, MALPHAS, HAAGENTI, CROCELL, VAPULA, ANDREALPHUS, are hereby venerated, praised, honored, acknowledged and recognized for their past, current and future assistance and patronage. It is humbly asked that said assistance and patronage continue henceforth so long as is amendable and acceptable by all willing and knowingly participating parties. 

 See what I just did? Total complete respect, not an ounce of pride, no arrogance, posturing, swaggering, or uncouth jaw-jacking.  Proper wording of your requests, petitions, and thank yous, either verbally or written, is very important when working with any spiritual presence. If you give any spirit praise, acknowledgment, respect, and decent manners, you will receive it in return. You even get rewarded and favored just a bit for it. They are supposed to at least feel amendable to listen to your needs or request, not be repulsed or turned off.  Some of the named above demoniacal spirits, and other demoniacal spirits, require or demand more in terms of acknowledgment, praise, or ritual offering, but I have yet to have an issue with that. Keep it civil, decent, and to the point, unless otherwise required. 

I do know they do not appreciate groveling, arrogance, posturing, or anything else that is demeaning, fake, vulgar, offensive, or deemed pitiful or pathetic in terms of behavior or actions. Also, they DO NOT appreciate or accept anything from you or do anything for you at all, if you come across as demanding, controlling, manipulative, psychotic, sociopathic, or narcissistic. I should not have to even mention why this is a very bad idea. You do not own or control them, they do not bend on a knee to you for anything ever, and for sure they do not ever cater to people that have unrealistic, pompous ideas of grandeur or influence. 

 It is also highly recommended that you do not be under the influence of alcohol, drugs, cannabis, or any substance that influences or intoxicates the mind or body. Demoniacal spirits see this as a weakness of mind and character of the person, and it is an offensive turn-off. Petitions and ritual work are to be done while clean, sober, and of sound mind and body. You can imbibe drink or substances AFTER you are done, as an homage and a form of veneration to them if you want, that is the only way that behavior is acceptable. 

Demoniacal spirits appreciate offerings on the altar for them, but they do not appreciate it if you are stoned, tripping, or drunk off your ass and trying to hit them up like a pimp or a dealer for some badly intentioned favor..that will not go well for you. This is where the horror stories Hollywood movies and shows, and bad reputations of demoniacal spirits come from because some fool pissed them off the wrong way. Forget what you have heard or been rumored of about demoniacal spirits, they are nothing like what Hollywood or widespread, wildly sensationalized, stereotyping proclaims them to be. 

Demoniacal spirits are actually quite refined and civil, but that does not mean they are cute little fluffballs you can hug, pet, and fawn over either. Yes, I know that calls to mind a ridiculous idea of some gushy fool trying to pet and cuddle with their summoned demoniacal spirit, and that is probably humorous, I implore you earnestly, that you do not try it. They come from and are the spirits of the dark and the abyss for a reason, and they can and will enact some very ugly punishments and harsh reactions if you screw up. In any case, the best rule to follow is: What you give, say, and do, you will get back in return.  

As I was previously saying... the response from the above-mentioned demoniacal spirits was somewhat swift, I actually saw a result by the end of Saturday. When you see, hear, and witness and come across certain messages, signs, and even the littlest things that literally pop up right in front of your face that are or were part of a petition, then you know you were heard at least, and that is very validating and comforting. I intend to stay on the good side of the equation for as long as is deemed acceptable and amendable. 

Well my lovelies, that seems to be all for the previous week. I will be back on Sunday the 20th, providing nothing of relevance happens between today and then. Have a great week everyone, and I shall return. 

Monday, November 7, 2022

Magical Monday

 Hello, everyone, and Darkest Blessings. I have not been on here in a long time and I gotta say there has been a lot going on for me to catch y'all up on. 

During the last couple of years, it came to pass that myself and the now ex got a divorce. No sympathies or condolences please, they are not needed. That relationship was already coming to an end, the last time I posted here. I have been quietly trying to rebuild my own life and make the ends meet the best that I can. I rebranded my small occult business, it is now called "Dark Moon Mediums and Magic" If anyone follows my other blogs, you will have noticed there is a blog dedicated to just my business. We also have a new and improved Facebook page, and while it says we are temporarily closed, that is because, since this past October 8th, 2022, I have been recovering from emergency surgery. A ruptured ulcer and near heart attack will definitely set one back a bit. I have since been given the all-clear to resume my work, with a new diet change and monitoring of my condition. I have learned that a partially vegan diet is not such a bad thing! 

Magically and spiritually, I have been slowly and tentatively researching and practicing some interesting stuff. You all know from previous posts that I am not one to shy away from a new path, or a new magical idea or form of practice no matter how dark or eyebrow-raising it might be, if you don't explore then you don't learn or develop yourself. I stumbled across a book called  Demons of Magick: Three Practical Rituals for Working with The 72 Demons. which is a great read, by and by, and it catapulted me head first down a dark and interesting rabbit hole that I have yet to return from. Considering how well some of those rituals have worked out, I might actually stay down this rabbit hole permanently. I purchased the paperback, along with some other books that correlated to the subject at hand, and I have been studying and working with the Demons of Magick book for almost a year now. 

I have since discovered that those often tarred and feathered, discriminated, shunned, and neglected things some of us call "demons" are really quite helpful and are willing to listen and even provide the things you ask for if you ask nicely and provide a little time, effort, patience, and a drop or two of blood. They are no different or unworthy of veneration than say Hecate, St Holy Death, and the other "Dark" Gods, Goddesses, and Spirits. For what is true magical practice without darkness and shades of grey? Magic and its practice and study is not all sparkles, rainbows and glitter... sometimes its a black candle, a drop of blood and a whispered incantation at 3AM... 


Friday, February 15, 2019

It's been awhile...

Hello everyone and Bright Blessings. It has been a long while since I have been here, and no amount of apology can excuse my absence. As to what has been going on with me... Well, there have been a lot changes on the home front and in business endeavors. After a lot of struggling, myself and my hubby have moved again, back to the old apartment complex where we first met. The irony that we come back to where we met is not lost on me, and I wonder what that may portend for us.

Also, my hubby had a very delicate surgery, which kept him laid up and unable to do much for 6 months, and during that time I had to take a break from my college courses. I have recently re-enrolled so that I may continue that and finally graduate. Recently, I was diagnosed with Degenerative Disc Disease in my neck, which causes my hands and forearms to be numb and tingly a lot, and I am currently going to physical therapy for that. Surgery is in the future, but for now, we are trying alternative methods to alleviate the discs that are basically fused together and grinding on my nerves.  If anyone had told me that by age 36 I would be dealing with this, I would have said they were mental, but I suppose that nothing is impossible.

My business at Sacred Star Herbs and Curios has seen a bit more success, however, it is still not yet where I wish it was. That will come in time, everything good in life takes its sweet time in coming. Some sales do well, and then others not so great. I still have not forgotten my dream of having my own little shop in a home that we actually own.

On the Full Moon of October 2018, we were surprised to find a sick, starving tabby and white kitten, with polydactyl front paws, on our steps. Mooney is now a very spoiled little man, who gives kisses galore and is the sweetest baby ever.  Where exactly he came from is a mystery, but we can't deny he was meant to be with us. Goddess and God will always send you a blessing or a situation that is meant for you to take on.
Now, as far as magical dealings go, I have not done too much in the way of rituals and spellwork, with exception of the occasional client, and for ourselves. I have had some clients come for readings and a couple of spells but aside from that, the magic has been kinda quiet around here. We have spent more time making magical and metaphysical items for our business than we have anything else. I suppose in a way that is magic in itself, as we are using our magical talent for others. I know this is a very short update, however, I have a clients order to fix up, and that will keep me in the kitchen awhile, and the laundry is staring at me calling my name to be done. I think it would be nice to have a way with charms, like Molly Weasley, and her house that cleans itself.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

11/30/2017 Mercury Retrograde Is Coming!

Hello everyone & Bright Blessings, I have returned after what is again a ridiculously long absence. There have been some interesting changes since I was last here, firstly, that I and my partner, were married, on August 13th 2017! Marriage is supposed to be a journey, one filled with highs, lows, and everything under the sun but I feel we both have the strength it takes to succeed. Jobs have come and gone, things at our home have changed, but we are managing, despite what appears to be a unreliable economy for employment.  "Tax time" is a bad time of year to get another full time job, because businesses are doing fourth quarter inventories and gearing up for tax season, they focus more on finances and reports, than they do hiring more employees.

Secondly, I want to announce my new start up "Sacred Star Apothecary and Curios" , of which a separate blog post can be found on here: " Sacred Star apothecary & Curios"  
despite Ravenwolf's blog being my more visited blog, I do write a couple of others, as I can't have business, personal, and pagan blogs being mixed around in a ridiculous mess. Sometimes you can't mix genres around too much, people get confused.

We have the only supermoon of 2017 AND a Mercury Retrograde debuting on December 3, 2017, and I cannot say that I am looking too forward to that. I dread retrogrades because every time we have a Mercury Retrograde, it seems our lives hit the ditch and we find ourselves scraping by and a gazilllion things seem to go wrong, or just come to a grinding halt. I foresee that my online business venture will hit a slump, and my college courses might hit a snag too, luckily, I have extended time to finish out the term. I also foresee some of my other work to slow to a crawl, as everything tech related or communication related is ruled by Mercury, so I expect a lot to go on the fritz. So, before the communication grids go down, I would like to ask, that everyone that reads this blog, can you please pop over to this page : Sacred Star Apothecary's Facebook  and give us a like and a share? I need the word out about my new business as much as possible, and I can't achieve that without everyone's support. I know this blog reaches people across the world, and right now I need the world to know my name and what I'm trying to accomplish! 

In other witchy news, Friday December 1,2017 is when I am due to work another of my monthly Money Drawing spells, and I am adding in some Road Opening elements to it this time, in a attempt to keep the doorways of communication and success open, if only just a crack. I found a fantastic wholesale supplier for some much needed pagan and spiritual business supplies, to help me create my own products. You cannot run a business without a reliable source of supplies, and lucky me, those are some exceptional wholesale discounts on some really good products. This was the absolute only place that I found Abre Camino Palo sticks, and priced very good! Abre Camino wood or shavings is the main ingredient in Road Opener formulas, and to find a real piece of it to add to your ritual oils and powders is indeed a blessing! 

I have to admit, that I find this period where the upcoming retrograde, is already taking its toll on my emotions and my inner self, the grey and rainy weather doesn't help much. I find myself feeling either really worn out, or prone to moods of melancholy and frustration. Maybe this added Road Opening element that am about to add to my next working, will open some blockages in other areas, and not just financial. I will not trouble my audience with my melancholic views, instead I will leave you all with a positive post. Until I return, hopefully soon, Blessed Be to All! 

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Some good news... 6/21/2017

Hello everyone and Bright Blessings, once again, it has taken me too long to update, and at some point I am going to have to get back to my weekly updates as this trend of not updating has to come to a end. I hope everyone that has been reading and following this blog, that you all know how much that means to me, that you all are still reading, despite my absences. It is nice to know that I am not being forgotten and my words still have a meaning!
As to what I have been up to? Well I have to now formally announce my engagement to my partner of 12 months, his name is William Phillips.  The date was June 3, 2017 . We have most definitely had our share of ups and downs and everything in between, but what relationship is made of roses and glitter? Just for the record, I was the one that proposed, yeah, rather bold move on my part! We are still by some miracle of Higher Powers, living at the apartment we rented in October of 2016, and that has been hard to manage. Finding and keeping that elusive thing called a full time job, has become something like a quest for the Holy Grail. I have to ask what does it take to prove that we are more than worth a opportunity and that we are quite qualified candidates? My partner started his first day with a new company today, but unfortunately for me, that has yet to be the case. I just hope for both our sakes, that something good comes along soon. I can't keep up this hand to mouth trend forever.
 On the magical end of the spectrum, I have to say that I have not made a lot of time for full scale rituals except for a good cleansing here and there, and two Money spells that I try very hard to get done on that day of Friday before the Full moon. The last one I just recently done on June 2nd. also, during this week, I have gotten in contact with a rental company about renting a new apartment in the county next to us, so we just might be moving soon. That is yet another reason why I need FT funds ASAP.
On a brighter note, my younger daughter is coming for summer break, and you can bet your broomstick that I am counting the hours until Sunday, when my little flower will be with me again. She only becomes more beautiful each and every time I lay eyes on her, some days, I feel a sense of time creeping up on me, as now both kids are 15 and 12, and I realize how little time there is left, before they are really adults, and they are ready to go out in this harsh and demanding world we live in. I suppose I can only hope that what I have tried to teach them over the years, has some lasting impacts, and they make the best possible decisions for themselves.
It seems that my college classes have hit a slight nosedive, as two classes that I took this term, were dismal failures, and I will be retaking them again. Accounting is nowhere near my strong suit, and professional Word processing was a form of torture. I have intermediate experience with Word, as I use it to write my blogs, for writing my books, and the occasional other document. Nothing prepared me for what I encountered with the college's version of teaching us how to create professional documents, and how to use the plethora of features and functions of Word. The "Lab" online work tool that I have to use for the course, was a nightmare to figure out, and let me say that I struggled horribly. I was not aware that there were 1001 uses for a simple function on a Word program. I am just glad, that this week I have term break, so I can at least recuperate some fried brain cells.
When I am in here again, I will have something more witchy to discuss, and I will concoct a new spell or potion to give you all something new to try out. Until then, Blessed Be, and have a great week!

Friday, March 10, 2017

A Long Overdue Update.... 3/10/2017

Hello Everyone and Bright Blessings, first let me apologize profusely for the very long absence. Alot has happened since the last time I was in here. Since September 2016, I have moved with my partner Chris, and we have had our share of ups, downs, and in-between,  at present moment we are struggling to keep up our apartment and our business and financial endeavors have been shaky, but are slowly improving. We are searching for another place to move to, as bills are eating our finances faster than we can replace them. Jobs here are hard to find, and we are seemingly both stuck with being self -employed for the time being. I know this all sounds gloom and doom, however there are some bright patches of light peeking through the clouds.
I am still a student in my Business Management studies, and let me tell you that Accounting has to be the hardest thing I have yet to try and learn. It is safe to say that I will not be pursuing a career as a full time accountant!
Today, we are going to do a new money spell that I have planned out. An idea struck me , while we were recently at the local library, I was there doing a book event for my published books, and while I was outside taking a break, I was looking at the pretty landscaping rocks that was part of the grounds there, and the words "let this rock become the foundation for success" flitted through my mind, and I looked carefully for a rock in their gardens, that I felt suitable to use as a "foundation" for my new spell. I picked out a smooth white one, it is a piece of regular white feldspar quartz, I'm sure you all have seen similar, they are white with bits of clear shining through them. So this rock, is going to serve as the foundation for a new success spell, and being added to it is dirt from four different banks, said dirt is believed to produce prosperity when used in Earth spells.   I already have a dressed candle made, hand poured and dusted with herbs and gold magnetic sand. Next is the spell paper that needs to be written out. Ready made stick candles work just fine, but I like to make my own sometimes, as those have your energy crafted into them for a specific purpose. Tonight is the Friday before the Full Moon, which is my usual time to be doing money spells. Earlier I remade new batches of Money Drawing and Better Business powders... they smell fantastic. I apologize again, for this is going to be a short post, I have the money spell to do, and time is ticking by faster than I would like. To all Blessed Be, and I will return soon.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Mercury Madness. Sept 14, 2016

Hello Everyone and Bright Blessings, I apologize for not being in here sooner, I have been literally up to my nose in college class work, writing assignments, and Avon business arrangements to the point where I may as well call my laptop a extension of my physical body. As we all have noticed Mercury is in Retrograde for most of this month, and I have had my share of snafus and issues with that. We also had a New Moon solar eclipse on the second of this month and we are due to see a corresponding Full Moon eclipse this Friday the 16th. With mercury Retrograde being smack in the middle of the eclipses things have gone into a tilt a whirl of madness.
As for what I have been doing? In the last two weeks I have finished my semester coursework for my Business Management classes, making "A's" in all three classes by the end of term. I finally published my book " Hearts On Fire" this past Sunday on Sept 11,2016.  Today I went Avon recruiting and customer prospecting, saw 10 people and maybe have myself a new recruit, I will know about that by tomorrow, then when I came home later on today, I finished four 500 word articles for my Crowd Content worker site, and added four more to do tomorrow. Crowd Content has opened up the floodgates to "Team Assignments" of which I am a part of. Which was part of what I asked for when I done the last money spell on Sept 9th. The spell worked like I asked it to, and now I am up to my eyes in work. Ask and ye shall receive!! And again later on this evening, I received a email, and a phone call from The Darkened Path website contact form, I have a clairvoyant meeting with two clients to schedule, so there is some more money coming my way. Yes, I charge a small fee for my services, products, and time spent doing serious magic and ritual workings, there is no wrong or shame in asking for compensation for services rendered. I consider myself a "working witch" and that means that this witch works and earns her way however she can! A skill not used or acted upon in a productive manner is a skill that is worthless. Some pagans and magic workers say this is wrong or against the Rede, however I do not subscribe or follow that path, so therefore I am free to do as I will as long as it harms none.
My relationship status has progressed to "Domestic Partnership" as my partner likes to call it.  My partner is here for a week or so and then goes back to his apartment, as for now we cannot live together, that might change in the coming months, depending on how situations and circumstances turn out. He is in fact on his way here now, and his dinner is waiting in the microwave. He gets to dishes and help me clean the rest of the unfinished chores the rest of the week. I am supposed to be on semester break until October 5th and I seriously want to kick back and enjoy at least a few days of it.
This full moon eclipse we are about to have, is a whopper. Already the energy is speeding up and we still have a week of Retrograde left. I had a few days where my internet was down and not working right, and my phone was acting up for a few days, but aside from that things seem to be going rather smooth. I am going to have to go for now, the Domestic Partner is pulling into the parking lot, and I have to warm up that plate of food, made with love from this witch's hand. You have to feed love, and sometimes that is a plate of actual food. Have a great week everyone and I will return soon!    

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

What happens when you don't do a time sensitive spell... 7/26/2016.

Hello everyone and Bright Blessings! I hope everyone has had a good start to their week? I just finished week 4 of classwork, and my brain feels somewhat fried! I wanted to come in and share a witch's experience with you all, based on a personal life pattern I have noticed happening in my life for the last little while.
Ok so you all remember that I usually do a particular money spell on the Friday before a full moon right? I had been having great success with this spell and there had been no issues with finding, obtaining, and making bits of money here and there, life was going fairly decent on the financial spectrum of things. Well, for the last couple of months, I have not had the time to do this spell, and when I had time, well I was too busy with other things to get it finished on the right day and time, and I thought to myself,  "Well maybe next time... we will be fine ..."
The result of me just not doing this spell on the right day and time, and failing to keep up with it like I should have? Oh the results are horrid... I started being in debt, I have had my lights shut off twice already, the bills started going behind, I have barely done Avon orders or gotten any customers, a check that was supposed to had come in for July never appeared,and I am having to wait until August to have that reimbursed. My credit card payment for July bounced, and I had to have a late charge applied to my account, and I then had to find a way to pay that. My state assistance benefits were cut in half, when I reapplied, and I lost what was supposed to had been my portion of said benefits, and now my bank account has went into the overdraft hole and the account has been closed out. What was once a steady stream of work for writing assignments, has dried up to near nothing, and we are struggling very hard right now to make everything we have stretch for another two weeks. Right at this current minute I might have a couple of dollars in my wallet, yes my dears the results are a disaster, and I am very stressed over it.
Am I going to be doing this spell come August? Yes you bet your broom I am doing this spell again, and never ever again allowing myself to just not do it or make the time for it. I have learned fully my lesson about what does and does not happen, when you forgo doing what is supposed to be a time sensitive ritual working.  Apparently I seriously made a spirit or a higher power that is connected to that particular spell, very upset with me, and they decided to smack me hard with a string of bad luck and financial crises left and right, until I decide to formally apologize, and make a peace offering.
The next time frame to do the money spell, is August 15th, this date is the "Friday before the full moon" as is indicated on the instructions. I will be clearing my calendar of all activities and doing absolutely nothing, except focusing on clearing up my disastrous financial issues. Maybe the spirits connected to the ritual will be favorable, and show me some forgiveness, and let me have my money mojo back.
I am also going to do a bit of a working after the new moon, that is coming on August 2nd, as I have decided it is in my better interest on a lot of mundane and spiritual levels, to raise some energy and get back on the magic making schedules again. I have not made any oils, done any crafts, or any type of witchy inspired endeavors since about May and well my life seems to be suffering from that. School starts back here on August 1st, so my life will revert back to that academic time frame, and clear up some scheduling snafus that come when you have kids at home and no babysitter. I am going to go for now, and I shall return after the new moon, to update y'all about what is going on. Have a great week and weekend until I see y'all again!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

July 17,2016 Capricorn Full Moon Is Coming.

Hello everyone and Bright Blessings, I hope everyone has had a good week? Mine has been busy yet again with college work, as obtaining that AS in Business Management has now become a top priority.  I'm currently on Week 3, and this week I made straight A grades on every assignment, quiz and discussion. Since the last time I was here,  my kittens and even momma kitty are gone, they have found new homes thanks to my D.M. stepping in to help save them from going to the shelter. I have had to recently invest into a carpet shampooer and a new mop, as my mop finally broke after 4 years of use. I have been writing on "Hearts On Fire " a bit, and writing on other work related sites. I recently ordered a Dirt Devil steam mop and a Bisell carpet cleaner, both are well made brands and I spent a good chunk of money, but it will be a worthy investment over time. It should be arriving in the mail in a few days time.For the last couple of weeks, the steamy and stormy July weather has made my sinuses miserable, and I have had to take OTC medicine to ease the tension headaches and swollen sinus membranes under my eyes and around my nose. The lowering of Barometric pressure and the torturous humid weather wrecks my ability to breathe and concentrate. Tennessee is ridiculously humid  nine months of the year, and summertime here is no picnic.
Now onto more interesting matters, Last night we had a Capricorn Full Moon, (Yay for me!) Whatever romantic and business oriented endeavors we started on the Cancer New Moon of this month, will see a culmination on the 19th. Hopefully that will become on a positive note for most of us. Venus has entered the flashy and flamboyant sign of Leo, and we will see fabulous and fantastical displays of love and money being spent on all kinds of lavish and expensive gifts and frivolousness, until August 22nd. Be careful of taking those flashy displays too far, as sometimes there is a dark side to Leo, when their tempers and negative traits decide to come to the surface. Instead of flashy displays of love and admiration, we might see roaring matches and outrageously over the top temper tantrums, if by chance someone is not getting the attention or time they feel they deserve, or if feelings get hurt or trampled on. I personally am not too good with Leo energy, as it grates on my serious and stoic Capricorn nature, and the idea of being lavished with attention and spending too much money sometimes just turns me off, especially if it is presented in a way that makes me feel as if someone " has to" do these things for me, or makes it come across as a pity act. Me spending that money on items for the house, and then the bills being paid with money that  I wished I could have held onto a bit longer, was enough to cause me a slight fit of discomfort, and I probably won't be spending too much more before next month.
I am going to go for the moment, as there is yet another week of classwork waiting on me to get cracking on. I shall return soon, and until then everyone have a great week!

Monday, July 4, 2016

July New Moon 7-4-2016

Hello everyone and Bright Blessings, and Happy Independence Day to those who are celebrating. While I am not allowed to do fireworks where we live at (rules state on the lease), I am sure we will see our share of a good show from the people that live around us. Tonight is a New Moon in Cancer, and areas of relationships of all sorts will be highlighted. This can be either a business or a love relationship that begins, or begins anew, and the 14 days from tonight's New moon will bring us deep into the "all or nothing" relationship zone. We will officially recognize and cement serious relationships, from business mergers to even marriage proposals under the Cancer moon's influence.
I have not had the time to do any spells or any serious ritual work in what is now going on two whole months now...and that has become a huge mistake.  I just recently enrolled into the AS of Business Management course at Virginia College, and this week has been non stop work on the first week of class. I also have not really had any major motivation or a real pull towards getting out the altar supplies or the spell casting materials. I have been going through a magical slump if you'd call it that. I haven't touched my spell bags in over a month, and I even put away all of my spell jars, they are all sitting in a drawer, waiting on me to remember and maybe renew my work with them, and come back to them. I started to feel like nothing I was working on or trying to achieve was gaining me the result or the manifestation that I was aiming for and I became somewhat turned off from trying. So one day in a fit of frustrated annoyance and the feeling of being totally dejected  and "Why do I bother?" and " where is the point?" spurred me into striding  to my room, and I started just taking down all of my jars from the tables, all of my bags from their usual spots, and in a dark drawer they all went.
I am a strong and realistic minded Capricorn, and if for any reason I feel like somehow that I failed, or something isn't giving me the result I am working towards, or I am seriously unsatisfied with something, it usually gets dumped and forgotten about in a fit of angry disgust. I personally cannot stand to feel like something I am working on is not working or is not happening in the way that I intended, especially after I have already put forth a lot of time and effort into it, and especially if it was something that I once felt had a purpose or a meaning to it, that will make me feel like I failed, or that I wasted my time in trying, and the feeling of failure and wasted time and effort, makes me feel despondent and sometimes will make me angry and I will say screw it and chuck it and abandon all interest in it for awhile.
That of course doesn't mean I actually failed, even I know that sometimes spells and magical workings just are not meant to happen, or the timing or the situations surround it, is not ideal for it to manifest, or even that there might be something totally different and perhaps better waiting on me to take notice of that Goddess and God has planned for me. But for right now, well those spell jars and the bags are going to stay in the drawer, until I regain my spark, and go back to being my usual witchy self. Tonight's post probably wasn't so cheerful or full of spark , and I apologize for that, but I really have to go for now. There's another week of college to attend, more work to do, and a witch's work is never done...